Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Random photos from EPCOT 30

So, what a fun day that was. I'm a little sunburnt and my feet are quite angry with me, but it was worth it.

Today would be a terrible day to go inside, but it still looks pretty nice outside!
A few grey clouds would cause a little rain, but nothing too bad!
The line outside Mouse Gear for merchandise

Alright let's go check out this panel with Surrell, Grandt, Wright and more!
This cool graphic appeared shortly before they asked everyone to turn off their cameras.
Got my spot picked out for Illuminations, this is gonna be good.
It was good.

It was incredible.

Moon over China
30th laser writing on Spaceship Earth
Accidentally hit my remote shutter button
Fountain of Nations sneezed on my lens
The moon and trees and SSE
aaaand time to go home!